Αναρτημένες Παρουσιάσεις σε Διεθνή Συνέδρια

1. Graft-versus-leukaemia effect post fludarabine, melphalan and alemtuzumab reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplant in HIV-infected patient with acute myeloid leukaemia
A. Kanellopoulos, M. Kaparou, E. Xenou, S. Paneesha, B. Kishore, et al., 44th EBMT,Lisbon,Lisboa 2018, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53 , 1518–1521

2. Measurement of Apixaban and Rivaroxaban Levels in Real Life Clinical Practice: An Instrument to Improve Anticoagulation Management?
C.Kartsios, M.Kaparou, R.Paynne, L.Philppots, K.Beale, M.Fowler, A.Lokare, N.Smith, ISTH, Berlin, 8-13 July 2017, PB 485, pg 932

3. A comparative study on the effects of alemtuzumab in the matched unrelated donor (MUD) and siblingdonor haemopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT) settings, after fludarabine‐based reduced intensityconditioning (RIC) regimes for high risk (HR) acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML)
Ortin, Miguel; Xenou, Evgenia; Oikonomopoulou, Dimitra; Kanellopoulos, Alexandros; Vardaka, Maria; Kaparou, Maria, et al., 43rd EBMT,Marseilles, France, 2017, B196, pg 188

4. Reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) allografts overcome poor prognosis associated with complex karyotype, FLT‐3 ITR and alterations of Chromosome 7 in high‐risk (HR) acute myeloid leukaemia (AML),yielding results comparable to other indications of allograft for AML patients
Ortin, Miguel; Oikonomopoulou, Dimitra; Xenou, Evgenia; Vardaka, Maria; Kanellopoulos, Alexandros; Kaparou, Maria; et al., 43rd EBMT,Marseilles, France, 2017, B228, pg 236

5. Single centre experience of managing patients with double hit lymphoma
I.Qureshi, M.Saeed, M.Kaparou, A.Kanellopoulos, et al., 26th BSH, Glascow, UK, 18-21 April 2016

6. Single centre experience of lenalidomide in multiply relapsed and or refractory lymphomas
Qureshi, M.Saeed, M.Kaparou, A.Kanellopoulos, V.Murthy, E.Nikolousis, et al., 26th BSH, Glascow, UK, 18-21 April 2016

7. Single centre experience of managing patients with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease
Kaparou, E.Xenou, I.Qureshi, M.Saeed, A.Kanellopoulous, B.Kishore, E.Nikolousis, et al., 26th BSH, Glascow, UK, 18-21 April 2016

8.Single centre experience of outcome in allogeneic stem cell transplant for double and triple hit lymphoma
I.Qureshi, M.Kaparou, M.Nikolousis, R.Lovell, B.Kishore, K.Holder, S.Paneesha, 42nd EBMT, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 April 2016, page S228, P219

9. Full donor whole blood chimerism can predict superior progression free survival in reduced intensity alemtuzumab based conditioning transplant recipients for high risk MDS and AML;a single centre experience
A.Kanellopoulos, M. Saeed, D.Eden, I.Qureshi, L.Cain, J.Khawaja, M.Kaparou, E.Xenou, et al., 42nd EBMT, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 April 2016l, page S242, P246

10. Immune reconstitution at 12 months can predict superior overall survival in reduced intensity alemtuzumab based conditioning transplant recipients for high risk MDS and AML;a single centre experience
A.Kanellopoulos, M. Saeed, M.Kaparou, D.Eden, J.Khawaja, L.Cain, I.Qureshi, E.Xenou, S.Lee, et al., 42nd EBMT, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 April 2016, page S242, P245

11. Presence of peripheral blood cells with PNH phenotype in patients with Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia
A. Damianaki, H. Koutala, I. Mavroudi, P. Kanellou, M. Kaparou, S. Mastrodimou,  C.Pontikoglou, et al., 18th Congress of European Hematology Association, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2013: vol 98, supplement no 1, p 234, S561

12. Evaluation of the prognostic significance of the Body Mass Index (BMI) in patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) receiving Rituximab-CHOP (R-CHOP) or similar immunochemotherapy
T. Vassilakopoulos, G. Pangalis, S. Papageorgiou, A. Anastasopoulou, E. Verrou, M. Dimou, K. Petevi, G. Boutsikas, A. Kanellopoulos, L. Papageorgiou, M. Kyrtsoni, M. Siakantaris, M. Kaparou, et al., 18th Congress of European Hematology Association, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2013: vol 98, supplement no 1, p 140, P327

13. Relationship between circulating BAFF levels with proliferation markers in patients with Multiple Myeloma
G. Tsirakis, M. Fragioudaki, A. Boula, M. Spanoudakis, M. Kaparou, P. Kanellou, I. Papadakis, et al., 17th Congress of European Hematology Association, Amstrerdam Rai, The Netherlands, June 14-17, 2012: vol 97, e-Supplement 1, p 396, P0825, 2012

14. Fas and Fas Ligand expression in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, benign hematological diseases and solid tumors
E. Stiakaki, G.Martimianaki, M.Kaparou, C. Perdikogianni, M. Kalmanti, 16th Congress of European Hematology Association, London, United Kingdom, June 9-12, 2011: p 596, 1506, 2011

15. Monitoring serum levels ELR+ CXC chemokines and relationship between microvessel density and angiogenic growth factors in multiple myeloma
C.Pappa, G.Tsirakis, A.Boula, P.Kanellou, M.Kaparou, A.Xekalou, E.Stathopoulos, et al., 16th Congress of  European Hematology Association, London, United Kingdom, June 9-12, 2011: p 355, 0854, 2011

16. The assessment of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and its relationship with proinflammatory cytokines and parameters of disease activity in multiple myeloma patients
G.Tsirakis, C.Pappa, M.Kaparou, V. Katsomitrou, A. Hatzivassili, et al., 16th Congress of European Hematology Association, London, United Kingdom, June 9-12, 2011: p 354, 0852, 2011

17. Role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AB in tumor growth and angiogenesis in relation with other angiogenic cytokines in multiple myeloma
G.Tsirakis, K.Sfiridaki, C.Pappa, M.Kaparou, M. Stratinaki, A.Xekalou, F. Psarakis, et al., 16th Congress of European Hematology Association, London, United Kingdom, June 9-12,2011: p 353, 0849, 2011

18. Clinical and prognostic significance of elevated serum BAFF levels in Multiple Myeloma
G.Tsirakis, M. Fragioudaki, M.Kaparou, A. Hatzivassili, K.Sfiridaki, C.Pappa, et al., 15th Congress of European Hematology Association, Spain, Barcelona, June 10-13, 2010: p 387, 0933, 2010

19. Low numbers of peripheral blood CD19+/CD27+ memory B lymphocytes and altered levels of serum immunoglobulins in patients with Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia
K. Pyrovolaki, I. Mavroudi, M.C. Flessa, H. Koutala, M. Kaparou, A. Kozana, M. Spanoudakis, et al., 15th Congress of European Hematology Association, Spain, Barcelona, June 10-13, 2010: p 99, 0252, 2010

20. Serum endoglin (CD105) levels in Multiple Myeloma patients is a marker of bone marrow angiogenesis and disease activity
F.H. Passam, G.Tsirakis, K.Sfiridaki, F.Psarakis, M.Kaparou, C.Pappa, D.S.Kyriakou, M.G. Alexandrakis, 14th Congress of European Hematology Association, Berlin, Germany, June 4-7, 2009: p 607, 1571, 2009

21. Bax/Bcl-2 expression in childhood and adolescents’ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
M. Kaparou, M. Kalmanti, D. Choumerianou, C. Perdikogianni, E. Stiakaki, 14th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Berlin, Germany, June 4-7, 2009: page 561, 1438, 2009

22. Quality and in vivo recovery of washed platelet concentrates (preliminary results)
E. Stavroulaki, E. Lydaki, E. Bolonaki, E. Nikoloudi, N. Andrulakis, E. Symvoulakis, M. Kaparou, P. Kanellou, H.A. Papadaki, K. Fountouli, 14th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Berlin, Germany, June 4-7, 2009: page 523, 1321, 2009

23. Abnormalities of serum immunoglobulin levels in patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia: Results from a cohort of 295 patients
I. Mavroudi, V. Papadaki, K. Pyrovolaki, M. Velegraki, M. Spanoudakis, M. Kaparou, P. Kanellou, G. et al., 14th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Berlin, Germany, June 4-7, 2009: page 245, 0603, 2009

24. The insufficient primary pediatric treatment degrades the health supply in a second degree hospital in Crete
C. Kiagadaki, A. Pentheroudakis, M. Kaparou, S. Kyriakopoulou, A. Pouliasi, 25th International Congress of Pediatrics, Athens – Greece: PP1088, 2007

25. Cow milk allergy
S. Kyriakopoulou, M. Kaparou, K. Mpeladaki, A. Bagaki, P. Chinou, 25th International Congress of Pediatrics, Athens – Greece: PP0032, 2007

Ώρες Λειτουργίας

Δευτέρα, Τρίτη, Πέμπτη 10.00 - 20.00
Τετάρτη, Παρασκευή 10.00 - 17.00

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medical team

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Διαρκής υποστήριξη


Διαθέτουμε στους ασθενείς μας τον απαραίτητο χρόνο για να κατανοήσουν όλα όσα απαιτούνται σχετικά με τα στάδια της θεραπείας τους και επιδιώκουμε να απαντάμε σε κάθε προβληματισμό και ανησυχία τους.


quality control

Αξιολογούμε τις ανάγκες κάθε ασθενή και φροντίζουμε να παρέχουμε υψηλού επιπέδου ιατρικές υπηρεσίες, με γνήσιο ενδιαφέρον για κάθε άνθρωπο που μας εμπιστεύεται την πολύτιμη υγεία του.

Παθήσεις Αίματος

Είπαν για εμάς